Saturday, September 13, 2008

Address in Fong Yuan

Finally got my address translated! This should allow you all to send me gifts and cool things and something to read in English!

If you write it like I have you shouldn't have any problems. I think it takes almost 2 weeks to get over here! For being on opposite sides of the world thats not that bad:

Justin Dusold
5th F~3, No. 267, Yuan Huan N. Rd,
Section 1, Fong Yuan,
Taichung County, R.O.C.

And if you have moved within the past 6 months or so send me an updated address because I probably don't have it. Also, I'm starting a competition. If I get a letter from you first I'll be sending you a case of Taiwan Beer! Whoo! Tastes better than warm pee, but not better than cold pee.

Hope to hear from you soon!
Xie jian

1 comment:

Conrad said...

Has anyone gotten the beer yet?

I'm going for it!