Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Have to start sometime


Here it is, my 'blog.' But lets just say its my way of keeping in touch with anyone and everyone who I want to stay as close as possible to while I'm halfway around the world. I think most of you know how horrible I've been in the past at keeping in touch, so this is a promise to do better at letting people into my life - and keeping them there. The emails will start to come, too; that's another promise. Writing all of this down is going to help me clear my head as much as it is to let you know what I'm doing. I'll try to make it as interesting as possible! So let me catch you up to where I think you should be right now...

I just spent almost a year in Harrisonburg after graduating from JMU in May 2007. I was surrounded by the most amazing people I get to call my friends. Some of these friends took me in September 2007 to their home where I stayed for five - FIVE - months. I know, I broke the one rule about couchsurfing you're not supposed to break. Well either way it was an amazing time of my life. It's exactly what you are thinking. I spent an entire year being at college and not actually going to class. Hah, ambitious, I know. EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS. I wouldn't take it back for anything. As soon as I got back into things was getting jobs, going to Spaghettifest (which I'm going to say now forever changed my life, details much later), making friendships, making memories, making mistakes. I definitely grew more this past year than ever. It was fun, but sometimes a lot harder than I expected. Most of the time harder because of myself. I have an amazing ability without fail to sometimes sabatoge my every attempt or chance to be happy. I'm going to need a lot of time to get this one out so I'll leave it for another post. But if its one thing I've taken from this year is that the only person who has ever made my life less than what I want it to be is myself. Finally, after making this mistake and forgetting I have control of what I do for so long, I'm not willing to have my life controlled by others because of me. This is one demon I've been hiding for way too long. Yes, I said demon. I love metaphors.

This is me finally not taking life so seriously! But serious enough to have a full time, engaging job for an entire year. I mean, I'll be responsible for the education of young children, this is HUGE. I can't wait! "But Justin," you say, "you aren't responsible! Hell you can barely take care of yourself!" I'm a new man. I've changed. Won't be seeing this anymore:

Hah! Just kidding. I'm always going to do this. Plus the kids will love it. No, I'm not going to get fired.

Now it's July 22nd, 2008. So that means I have 12 days until I'm on a plane to Taipei, Taiwan, where I'll start training to teach English to kindergarten kids until August 14th, 2009. Woah...that's a really long time. I'm already prepared to miss my friends and family terribly for a few months. I'll have to get over that at some point. This is my chance to show everyone who has ever doubted me or knew I needed to move on in my life that I don't just have potential but ability more than anything. First step towards my goal of being a teacher for life. This is really just what I needed. Here's my own rite of passage. I'll let you know how its going. See you in Taiwan! No, really, come visit me!